Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keinginan Pindah Kerja Karyawan
The purpose of this study was to determine, analyze and empirically prove the effect of attachment, work discomfort and leadership justice on the desire to change jobs of employees at J&T Express Sragen. The analysis technique in this research consists of instrument testing: validity & reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test and R2 test (coefficient of determination test). The results of the multiple linear regression test can be seen that the variables of attachment, work discomfort and leadership justice have a positive effect on employee turnover intentions. The results of the t-statistical test show that: Engagement has a significant effect on employee turnover intentions. Work discomfort has a significant effect on the desire to move employees. Leadership justice has a significant effect on employee turnover intentions. The results of the F statistical test can be concluded that together the variables of engagement, job discomfort and leadership justice have a significant influence on the desire to change jobs of employees at J&T Express Sragen. The results of the Adjusted R Square test obtained results of 0.747 which means that the variable of employee turnover intention at J&T Express Sragen can be explained by attachment, work discomfort and leadership justice of 74.7% while the remaining 25.3% is explained by other variables that are not included in the analysis. this research, for example the comfort of the environment and the speed of service.
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