Avoiding Plagiarism in Writing Indonesian Scientific Papers Using Online Paraphrasing Tools: A Review of Spinner.id, Rewriter, and Prepostseo
This research describes the use of Spinner.id, Rewriter, and Prepostseo as online paraphrasing tools to avoid plagiarism in writing Indonesian scientific papers. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The analysis shows that several online paraphrasing tools such as Spinner. id, rewriter, Prepostseo, and Paraphraser.io have similarities in their ability to paraphrase online in Indonesian text. However, there are basic differences between several online paraphrasing tools. 1) Spinner.id provide “Column Box, Separate and Write, and Clear Text”. 2) Rewriter has options “column Article (original article), Rewrite, Clear Text, and Final Text (paraphrasing result)”. But these tools only paraphrase the Indonesian language, and the final result of paraphrasing shows the same result. 3) Prepostseo provides "Column box, and has options “Simple and Advanced" for the free version, and "Fluency and Creative" for the paid version. This paraphrasing tool is complete because this paraphrase provides various paraphrases in various languages, for example, Chinese, Deutch, French, Spanish, German, Indonesian, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Persian, Vietnamese, Norwegian, and Arabic. 4) Paraphraser.io tool provides a column box and has options "Fluency, Standard, and Word Changer" options for a free version. Besides options “Creative, Smarter, Shorten” for a paid version. This paraphrasing tool is complete because provides various paraphrases in various languages, for example, English, Spanyol, Norwegian, Butch, French, Germany, Portugues, Turkey, Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnam, Italian, Swedish, Romanian, Malay, Polish, Danish, Tagalog, Afrikans, and Ukrainian. Online paraphrasing tools can help students overcome academic writing difficulties in terms of content, structure, language usage, and paraphrasing strategy. However, they can also help students with appropriate grammar, correct discourse markers, and change active sentences to passive voice. Paraphrasing tools can also help change active sentences to passive voice, discover synonyms for paraphrasing, and alter the original text's sentence structure. However, the accuracy of online paraphrasing may still have limitations and flaws, making it difficult to comprehend sentences. Therefore, students must thoroughly read and comprehend the text before rewriting it in their own words. Using online paraphrasing is that it saves time. This is because we only need to upload files or copy text and then paste it. Then, this online paraphrasing tool for plagiarism checks or other to complete other tasks. The drawback of online paraphrasing is that the results are sometimes less user-friendly and less satisfying when compared to manual paraphrasing. Sometimes, this automatic or online paraphrasing produces results that are not pleasant to read. So after the results are out, do not forget to check again.
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