Using Game Design Techniques (Gamification) in Teaching and Learning Process: A Review
game, gamification, teaching and learning processAbstract
This research describes the use of gamification in the teaching and learning process. This research is library research. The findings show that gamification improves students’ motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Besides, gamification makes learning fun and interactive creates more desire to learn, allows seeing real-world applications, offers real-time feedback, encourages students to complete their learning activities, helps students focus and understand the material being studied, provides opportunities for students to compete, explore and excel in class, improve competitive traits, making learning addicted, etc. As educators, we may face students with multiple conditions in terms of motivation, interest, intelligence, group size, environment, family background, and so on. Therefore, game-based learning is designed to give positive impacts on students by incorporating game elements into training strategies. Of course, there are various steps in applying gamification in the learning process that can be applied in the classroom, including integrating educational video games into the curriculum, encouraging independent learning in the gamification of homework, gamification in scoring, implementing a broader class reward system, ensure that the lessons are interesting from the beginning, making gamification part of the evaluation, selecting gamification in the form of multiple choice, giving rewards like badges, etc. However, implementing gamification requires a system or platform to be successful. Therefore, we need concern about the main features such as game elements (point system, level system, badges system, and leaderboard system and templates.
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