Capital, Production, Industrial IncomeAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of capital and production on the income level of the Mudatama Gallery 2 metal craft industry in Kupo Tumang Cepogo Boyolali. This research was conducted in February 2020, this industry is engaged in metal crafts, namely producing various kinds of interior and exterior accessories for homes and hotels using brass, copper, aluminum and so on. This study uses data collection techniques documentation and observation. The method used in this research is quantitative method with multiple linear regression technique. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and regression equation test with perceptions of Capital (X1), Production (X2) and Income (Y). Partially, the X1 (capital) and X2 (production) variables have a significant effect on the income of Mudatama Galery 2 Tumang Cepogo Boyolali, as evidenced by the tcount 12.753 > ttable 2.034 for capital, and the tcount 3.103 > ttable 2.034 for production. Meanwhile, the capital variable (X1) and the production variable (X2) simultaneously affect the income of Mudatama Galery 2. This is indicated by the results of the simultaneous test (F test) of 108,620 with a Sig value of 0.000. This result shows that the higher the capital and production, the higher the income of Mudatama Galery 2 Tumang Cepogo Boyolali.
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